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Artichoke Salad with Camembert Cheese

This sophisticated salad will impress your guests no end, especially if you use fresh artichokes. It is lovely as a starter or served on the side with fish or chicken, as a salad. Tinned artichokes can be used when fresh are not available.
Artichoke Salad with Camembert Cheese

You Will Need:

Main Dish
Main Dish


To prepare and cook fresh artichokes

Shorten the artichoke stems to about 1 cm. Break off the tough outer leaves until the round bulbous shape is clearly visible. Cut off the tops of the remaining leaves, approximately 1 cm above the bulb.

Now slice the artichoke in half from the top to the bottom through the stem. Scrape out the hard fibrous 'choke' with a teaspoon (a grapefruit spoon does a brilliant job). As you work, put the vegetables in a mixing bowl with cold water in which you have squeezed the juice of one lemon, add the squeezed out halves as well. This stops discolouration of the artichokes.

Warm a large heavy based pan (with a lid). Warm until hot and swivel oil over the base.

Drain the artichokes and place cut-side down in the oil and cook until just beginning to discolour. Season rounded side with Lemon & Black Pepper Seasoning. Turn and lightly brown the rounded side, also season lightly. Turn again, add ¾ cup water, close the lid, turn down the heat and simmer slowly for 15 minutes until fork tender. Leave to cool in the poaching liquid.

To assemble the salad

Arrange mixed lettuce and herbs on a platter. Top with artichoke halves, cut in half again, and slices of camembert cheese. Drizzle with Caesar Dressing and serve.

To preserve artichokes for later use:

Prepare as above.

Sterilise glass jars, pack with cooked artichokes and fill up the jar with olive oil. Tap jar on the table to make sure all air bubbles are released and fill up until the artichokes are completely covered. Screw on the lid and keep in a cool dark cupboard.


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