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Biltong Sarmies

I believe this is one of the most popular party snacks, from the lips of an experienced caterer.
Biltong Sarmies

You Will Need:

  • 8 slices of white bread
  • butter, softened
  • powdered biltong
  • Ina Paarman's Meat Spice
  • 8 slices of white bread
  • butter, softened
  • powdered biltong
  • Ina Paarman's Meat Spice


Using very soft butter, butter two slices of soft white bread.

Sprinkle one buttered side lightly with Meat Spice and the other moderately with biltong powder.

Sandwich together, then gently slice off the crust with a sharp serrated bread knife.

Slice each trimmed sandwich into 4 triangles, then butter two edges of each triangle with more butter and dip into biltong powder.

Serve while still soft.


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