- Serves: 4
- Recipe Category: Fish seafood
- Products in this recipe:
You Will Need:
Ina’s Tip
To keep fish fresh it needs to be kept colder than fridge temperature, but not frozen. Place an ice brick on the fish, still covered with plastic wrap, and refrigerate.
Adjust oven shelf to the middle position. Preheat the oven to 200 °C.
Season the leeks and fennel with Green Onion Seasoning. In a saucepan, sweat the leeks and fennel in the butter until just wilted.
Add the peas, water and Fish Stock. Stir to mix.
Spoon half the vegetables into a well buttered 25 cm x 18 cm ovenproof dish.
Portion the fish and season with Fish Spice.
Lay the fish portions on the vegetable bed. Cover with the remaining mixture.
Bake for 15 - 20 minutes.
To serve, garnish with the fennel fronds.

Fish Bake with Leeks and Baby Peas
The gentle flavours in this dish will not overpower the fish. It is the ultimate meal-in-one healthy choice for a family.
- Serves: 4
- Recipe Category: Fish seafood
- Products in this recipe:
You Will Need:
Adjust oven shelf to the middle position. Preheat the oven to 200 °C.
Season the leeks and fennel with Green Onion Seasoning. In a saucepan, sweat the leeks and fennel in the butter until just wilted.
Add the peas, water and Fish Stock. Stir to mix.
Spoon half the vegetables into a well buttered 25 cm x 18 cm ovenproof dish.
Portion the fish and season with Fish Spice.
Lay the fish portions on the vegetable bed. Cover with the remaining mixture.
Bake for 15 - 20 minutes.
To serve, garnish with the fennel fronds.