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Glazed Onions and Carrots

A wholesome winter treat.
Glazed Onions and Carrots

You Will Need:

Main Dish
  • 750 g pickling onions, peeled
  • 2 T (30 ml) butter
  • 2 T (30 ml) brown sugar
  • 1 t (5 ml) Ina Paarman’s Green Onion Seasoning
  • 2 T (30 ml) cider or wine vinegar
  • ½ cup (125 ml) water
  • 400 g baby carrots, peeled
  • chopped parsley to garnish
Main Dish
  • 750 g pickling onions, peeled
  • 2 T (30 ml) butter
  • 2 T (30 ml) brown sugar
  • 1 t (5 ml) Ina Paarman’s Green Onion Seasoning
  • 2 T (30 ml) cider or wine vinegar
  • ½ cup (125 ml) water
  • 400 g baby carrots, peeled
  • chopped parsley to garnish

Ina’s Tip

Try and get nice small onions. If they are too big, deep peel them and keep outer layers for another dish.


Place the onions, butter, sugar, Green Onion Seasoning, vinegar and water into a large, heavy based frying pan and cover with baking paper.

Push the paper down well.

Put a lid on the pan. Cook for 10 minutes.

Add the carrots and cook for a further 5 - 10 minutes until the water has nearly evaporated.

Remove the lid and the paper and keep on shaking the pan to roll the onions and carrots.

The sauce will caramelise and form a golden-brown coating around the vegetables. Sprinkle with chopped parsley before serving.

This dish can be prepared in advance as it reheats very successfully in the microwave.


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