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Layer Your Lunch

Prepare packed salad lunches for the whole family the day before. Refrigerate, ready to go the next day.

You Will Need:

Bottom Layer 1
  • ¼ cup (60 ml) of any one of the following Dressings:
  • Ina Paarman’s 1000 Island Dressing to go with tuna or ham
  • or Ina Paarman’s Honey Mustard Dressing to go with chicken
  • or Ina Paarman’s Herb Dressing to go with cubed cheese etc.
Layer 3
Layer 5
  • ¼ cup (60 ml) cooked kidney, butter or barlotti beans, lentils or chickpeas (tinned pulses work very well)
Layer 7
Layer 2
  • Onion, half rings, use ± ½ a smallish onion
Layer 4
  • ¼ cup (60 ml) feta cheese, crumbed or cubed
Layer 6
  • Shredded tuna in oil or leftover chicken or shredded ham or blocks of gouda or cheddar cheese
Layer 8
  • Finely sliced lettuce of your choice
Bottom Layer 1
  • ¼ cup (60 ml) of any one of the following Dressings:
  • Ina Paarman’s 1000 Island Dressing to go with tuna or ham
  • or Ina Paarman’s Honey Mustard Dressing to go with chicken
  • or Ina Paarman’s Herb Dressing to go with cubed cheese etc.
Layer 2
  • Onion, half rings, use ± ½ a smallish onion
Layer 3
Layer 4
  • ¼ cup (60 ml) feta cheese, crumbed or cubed
Layer 5
  • ¼ cup (60 ml) cooked kidney, butter or barlotti beans, lentils or chickpeas (tinned pulses work very well)
Layer 6
  • Shredded tuna in oil or leftover chicken or shredded ham or blocks of gouda or cheddar cheese
Layer 7
Layer 8
  • Finely sliced lettuce of your choice


Recycle our pasta jars.

Prepare the salad in advance and refrigerate.

Take to the office or to school, shake up and eat!

Don’t forget to take a spoon or fork .


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