- Serves: 10
- Recipe Category: Preserves and pickles
- Products in this recipe:
You Will Need:
Ina’s Tip
If you do not have a vacuum sealer, squash the lemons brim-full into a jar, make sure you have squeezed out plenty of juice. Seal with melted wax and screw on a tight lid.
Wash lemons in a strong vinegar solution (2 cups water and ½ cup white vinegar).
Cut each lemon lengthwise into 8 wedges. Place in a large bowl, sprinkle with salt and set aside.
Put fenugreek and mustard seeds in a frying pan and dry roast them over a medium heat for 1 - 2 minutes, until they begin to pop and release flavour.
Put them in a mortar and grind them to a fine powder with the pestle.
Add chilli and turmeric and mix well.
Sprinkle spice mixture over lemons and stir. Squash the lemons to release some juice. Pour over oil, stir to mix and vacuum seal in plastic to exclude all air. Leave 10 - 12 days, to ferment in this vacuum environment until softened.
Pack into sterilised jars, then seal and store in the fridge. It can be kept for a month or more.

Lemon Pickle
A 10 day period of fermentation delivers a condiment with a memorable intense spice and lemon flavour.
- Serves: 10
- Recipe Category: Preserves and pickles
- Products in this recipe:
You Will Need:
Wash lemons in a strong vinegar solution (2 cups water and ½ cup white vinegar).
Cut each lemon lengthwise into 8 wedges. Place in a large bowl, sprinkle with salt and set aside.
Put fenugreek and mustard seeds in a frying pan and dry roast them over a medium heat for 1 - 2 minutes, until they begin to pop and release flavour.
Put them in a mortar and grind them to a fine powder with the pestle.
Add chilli and turmeric and mix well.
Sprinkle spice mixture over lemons and stir. Squash the lemons to release some juice. Pour over oil, stir to mix and vacuum seal in plastic to exclude all air. Leave 10 - 12 days, to ferment in this vacuum environment until softened.
Pack into sterilised jars, then seal and store in the fridge. It can be kept for a month or more.