You Will Need:
You can either char the bell peppers directly over a gas flame or bake them on a baking tray at 250 °C for 20 minutes. Leave them in a mixing bowl covered with clingfilm to cool and for the skins to loosen. Peel, seed and slice into thin strips. Toss with the Vinaigrette and season to taste with Rosemary & Olive Seasoning. Can be prepared in advance.
To serve
Make a bed of leaves on a flat platter. Dish the pepper strips over the leaves and add flowers for garnish.

Nasturtium Salad with Roasted Pepper Strips
This time of the year the nasturtium flowers and leaves are at their best! If you cannot lay your hands on any, use rocket leaves and any other edible flower available like pansies, marigolds, borage, lavender and geranium.
- Serves: 6
- Recipe Category: Salads, vegan
- Products in this recipe:
You Will Need:
You can either char the bell peppers directly over a gas flame or bake them on a baking tray at 250 °C for 20 minutes. Leave them in a mixing bowl covered with clingfilm to cool and for the skins to loosen. Peel, seed and slice into thin strips. Toss with the Vinaigrette and season to taste with Rosemary & Olive Seasoning. Can be prepared in advance.
To serve
Make a bed of leaves on a flat platter. Dish the pepper strips over the leaves and add flowers for garnish.