- Serves: 4
- Recipe Category: Meat pork
Products in this recipe:
Garlic Pepper Seasoning, Green Onion Seasoning, Mushroom Pesto, Liquid Chicken Stock
You Will Need:
Slash into the fat layer of the chops to prevent them from curling when cooking.
Season chops with Garlic Pepper Seasoning, coat with olive oil and leave on one side to come to room temperature.
Line the chops up, fat sides down.
Skewer with two sosatie sticks, one through the meaty eye and the other through the tail end of the chops.
Heat 1 T (15 ml) oil in a heavy-based frying pan and cook chops standing up with the fat side down until fat is crisp.
Turn and similarly cook the insides until brown.
Remove the chops from the sticks and lay them flat in the pan.
Brown one side only, turn and remove from heat.
Leave to stand in the hot pan for 5 minutes.
This gentle one side only method guards against overcooking and resultant dryness.
Remove chops. Pour surplus fat out of pan. Brown onions pre-seasoned with Green Onion Seasoning in the same pan, add garlic.
Add drained lentils, Mushroom Pesto and undiluted Liquid Chicken Stock.
Stir-fry for 3 - 5 minutes.
Add chops brown side up and any liquid that may have leaked out, to the lentils.
Cover with a lid.
Switch off the heat after 3 minutes.
Serve with fresh fine green beans or lightly sauteed green cabbage.

Pork Chops with Lentils
Pork is an economical cut to use for a family meal, the lentils extend the protein component of the dish. Chickpeas are an excellent substitute for lentils.
- Serves: 4
- Recipe Category: Meat pork
Products in this recipe:
Garlic Pepper Seasoning, Green Onion Seasoning, Mushroom Pesto, Liquid Chicken Stock
You Will Need:
Slash into the fat layer of the chops to prevent them from curling when cooking.
Season chops with Garlic Pepper Seasoning, coat with olive oil and leave on one side to come to room temperature.
Line the chops up, fat sides down.
Skewer with two sosatie sticks, one through the meaty eye and the other through the tail end of the chops.
Heat 1 T (15 ml) oil in a heavy-based frying pan and cook chops standing up with the fat side down until fat is crisp.
Turn and similarly cook the insides until brown.
Remove the chops from the sticks and lay them flat in the pan.
Brown one side only, turn and remove from heat.
Leave to stand in the hot pan for 5 minutes.
This gentle one side only method guards against overcooking and resultant dryness.
Remove chops. Pour surplus fat out of pan. Brown onions pre-seasoned with Green Onion Seasoning in the same pan, add garlic.
Add drained lentils, Mushroom Pesto and undiluted Liquid Chicken Stock.
Stir-fry for 3 - 5 minutes.
Add chops brown side up and any liquid that may have leaked out, to the lentils.
Cover with a lid.
Switch off the heat after 3 minutes.
Serve with fresh fine green beans or lightly sauteed green cabbage.