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Potato and Onion Skewers

Always a hit and a different take on potatoes.
Potato and Onion Skewers

You Will Need:

Main Dish
  • 750 g baby potatoes, cut in half horizontally
  • Ina Paarman’s Potato Spice
  • olive oil
  • 8 small baby onions (red ones are nice)
  • Ina Paarman’s Green Onion Seasoning
  • finely snipped chives
Main Dish
  • 750 g baby potatoes, cut in half horizontally
  • Ina Paarman’s Potato Spice
  • olive oil
  • 8 small baby onions (red ones are nice)
  • Ina Paarman’s Green Onion Seasoning
  • finely snipped chives

Ina’s Tip

These skewers are difficult to turn. Therefore, it is best to clamp them all together into a small braai grid. Now turning is a simple one-time motion.


Boil the potatoes for 8 minutes. Add the whole unpeeled onions and boil together with halved potatoes for a further 1 - 2 minutes. Strain off the water and leave the potatoes and onions to cool down a little.

Toss potatoes with Potato Spice and olive oil.

Pull the onion skins off and cut each onion in half lengthways. Toss onion halves with Green Onion Seasoning and olive oil.

Arrange vegetables on skewers, alternating the baby potato halves with onion halves. Clamp skewered vegetables in a small braai grid to facilitate turning.

Braai over medium coals until golden brown.

For serving, sprinkle with snipped chives and drizzle with a little more olive oil.


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