- Serves: 10 (keeps for a week refrigerated)
- Recipe Category: Fish seafood, Traditional homegrown south african recipes
Products in this recipe:
Sun-dried Tomato Pesto, Chilli & Garlic Seasoning, Sun-dried Tomato Quarters
You Will Need:
Carefully remove skin and all the bones from the snoek and then flake. Blend all ingredients, except cream in a food processor. Whip cream and fold into mixture. Taste and adjust seasoning. Serve with melba toast. Paté has a fridge life of 1 week. It should not be frozen. If you prefer a pinker colour, increase Tomato Pesto to 2½ t (12,5 ml). Cover with cling film and refrigerate until serving time.
To serve
Dish the paté into individual paté pots and sprinkle with a dash of Chilli & Garlic Seasoning. Serve melba toast, watercress or rocket and tomato quarters with the paté.
Substitute 1 x 200 g tin of pink salmon for snoek. No need to remove the small bones, but peel away dark skin.
Melba Toast
Melba toast keeps well in an airtight container in the fridge or freezer. ½ white sandwich loaf (one day old is easier to slice) Cut all the crusts off the bread with an electric or sharp serrated knife. Cut this block of bread diagonally across into 2 large triangles. Slice these triangles into paper-thin slices, place them on a cooling rack on a baking tray and dry out in a warm oven (150 °C) for about 20 minutes.
Keep in an airtight container for up to a week, or longer if frozen.

Snoek Paté with Melba Toast
We are giving this classic traditional South African favourite a modern twist with a dash of chilli. Home made melba toast is absolutely delicious and very cheap to make. Try it, it is dead easy.
- Serves: 10 (keeps for a week refrigerated)
- Recipe Category: Fish seafood, traditional homegrown south african recipes
Products in this recipe:
Sun-dried Tomato Pesto, Chilli & Garlic Seasoning, Sun-dried Tomato Quarters
You Will Need:
Carefully remove skin and all the bones from the snoek and then flake. Blend all ingredients, except cream in a food processor. Whip cream and fold into mixture. Taste and adjust seasoning. Serve with melba toast. Paté has a fridge life of 1 week. It should not be frozen. If you prefer a pinker colour, increase Tomato Pesto to 2½ t (12,5 ml). Cover with cling film and refrigerate until serving time.
To serve
Dish the paté into individual paté pots and sprinkle with a dash of Chilli & Garlic Seasoning. Serve melba toast, watercress or rocket and tomato quarters with the paté.
Substitute 1 x 200 g tin of pink salmon for snoek. No need to remove the small bones, but peel away dark skin.
Melba Toast
Melba toast keeps well in an airtight container in the fridge or freezer. ½ white sandwich loaf (one day old is easier to slice) Cut all the crusts off the bread with an electric or sharp serrated knife. Cut this block of bread diagonally across into 2 large triangles. Slice these triangles into paper-thin slices, place them on a cooling rack on a baking tray and dry out in a warm oven (150 °C) for about 20 minutes.
Keep in an airtight container for up to a week, or longer if frozen.