My Holiday in Australia

05 March 2025

In January this year, I visited Australia with an old school friend, Johann Gildenhuys. We spent a few days in Sydney and a week in New Castle, visiting his son and his family.


The Sydney Opera House has been on my bucket list for many years, and it certainly did not disappoint. We attended a magical evening of opera hits.

Here's a picture of me with our charming host, Dr Hann Gildenhuys, to whom I owe many thanks for his hospitality. From my hotel room on the 33rd floor, I had an impressive view of the high-rise tower blocks in central Sydney.

Ina Paarman & Dr Hann Gildenhuys in Australia Australia


We also enjoyed endless white sandy beaches in New Castle. They have lovely tidal pools for safe swimming, with a shallower one for kids and an Olympic-size adult pool for the serious swimmers.

Sydney Australia Beach Sydney Australia Beach


The Queen Vic shopping arcade in a renovated vintage building on the main street in Sydney was very impressive.

Ina Paarman in Australia


Of course, I just relished the stunning seafood and fresh produce on display at the Harris Farm Market – not cheap when converted to rand!

Sydney Australia Seafood Sydney Australia Fresh Produce


I was amazed at their abundance of artisanal cheeses.

Sydney Australia Grocer


We also visited a wine farm in Yarra Valley for a wine tasting. (Dare I say the Boland is still the best?)

Sydney Australia Vineyards


PS: Coming soon, in our June newsletter, is a delicious prawn recipe with bacon and spaghetti from Dr Hann's lovely wife, Estelle.