Embracing the Craziness in Pursuit of Excellence
We reveal a few behind-the-scenes anecdotes showing our unique (also read: "stubborn") way we go about running the family business. And what we mean by "constructive discontent".
You don’t have to be crazy to work here, but it helps – so the saying goes, and it does apply to us to a certain extent. Crazy is a strong word, though. When it comes to the Paarman family business, helmed by the indomitable Ina and her disruptor son Graham, we prefer adjectives like “maverick,” “individualist,” and “non-conformist,” because we’ve followed our own path since the beginning. “Stubborn” also comes to mind…
For example, we have been approached by many large corporations in the food industry over the years who have wanted to buy our company. Clearly, they recognised a good thing when they saw it. But although we heard them out – it’s the polite thing to do – we have remained fiercely – defiantly even – independent. We believe this is a huge contributing factor to our ongoing success and what we have achieved.
“A family business is not always an easy business. We are only human, after all.”
A Funny Balance
A family business is not always an easy business. We are only human, after all. We have a lovely book titled Let’s Keep It In The Family by Kessel Feinstein, illustrated with Don Fedler’s cartoons. It’s a light-hearted look at family business from the inside, the outside, the upside, and the downside, and we often look towards its cartoons for a good laugh, because they hit so close to home. For your enjoyment, we have included some of our personal favourites.
If mom doesn't like it, we're in big trouble.
“We believe in a philosophy of ‘constructive discontent’,” says Graham. “This means we’re constantly holding each other to a higher standard, as well as relentlessly pushing the envelope to do better all the time.”
Embracing negatives might sound counterproductive, but it, in fact, works the opposite way. To be one’s own harshest critic means being able to aspire to even greater heights. Good enough isn’t, well, good enough.
A funny story that illustrates how well entrenched this attitude is, is the one of us sitting down for a family meal with Ina, in exasperation, remarking, “For Godsake, Graham, can’t we just enjoy the meal instead of always critiquing it to death.”
I can't remember, is this a working lunch or a family outing?
Everything Is Personal – In the Best Way Possible
We’re not short on fan mail, but we’re not so arrogant that we don’t expect complaints from time to time. But when that happens, we take it personally – because it is – and it’s how we deal with it that matters. We feel a sense of obligation to each and every person who buys our products, and we owe it to them to always listen.
“As custodians of the brand, we are obsessed with exceeding customers’ expectations at every turn,” says Ina.
We received a lovely email from Thandi Milan with the subject line “Praise, praise, praise!” – yes, we read all the emails, and this one in particular made an impact on Ina. “I would love to leave a review on your chicken stock powder… First off, I want to say I LOVE this product! I’m based in Cape Town, and I use it to enhance every type of dish imaginable.”
The mail continues to outline Thandi’s first overseas travel, for six months, and having to find space in her suitcase to take the stock powder, which had to be replenished by visiting relatives who kindly offered to bring more over when it ran low. “And golly, did it carry me through,” writes Thandi. “From potato bakes to steamed vegetables, soups, meat dishes, veggie lasagne, and eggplant fries.”
“I can highly recommend leaving behind classics like rooibos tea and biltong on your next travels, in favour of our darling Ina Paarman’s (sic). Thanks for your excellent work!”
Our Team Is Our Extended Family, Too
This warms our hearts, but while Ina and Graham are the head honchos, they wouldn’t be able to do it without the support of our incredible employees. “We have made it our lifelong mission to develop a trusting and collaborative relationship with our amazing staff,” says Graham. “Anyone visiting our factory, without fail, remarks on the palpable sense of collective pride they pick up. This is so important for so many reasons, not least of all that we firmly believe you cannot make good food in an unhappy kitchen.”
Says Ina: “It’s not what we do for our staff, but what they do for us.”
I say let's put something in to make them addictive.
“We pride ourselves on doing the difficult stuff well, the things competitors are either too lazy – or too sane! – to try. You have to be a little bit crazy and not constrained by convention if you want to make a real difference.”
The trinity of committed staff, quality products, and happy customers are the pillars of our accomplishments. And yes, sometimes there are crazy hare-brained ideas (Graham’s words), but they will be carried out anyway. “We pride ourselves on doing the difficult stuff well, the things competitors are either too lazy – or too sane! – to try. You have to be a little bit crazy and not constrained by convention if you want to make a real difference.”
At the end of the day, the Paarmans have to live with making this product – “Our name is on the packaging, so we can’t and won’t walk away,” adds Graham. “And we won’t make it unless we are prepared to eat it ourselves. Quality is king.”
And queen, of course.
We go to great lengths to ensure our products are made as close to home-cooked as possible. From chargrilling our veg to hand-sorting our sun-dried tomatoes, our factory production methods are as traditional as we can get. Browse our full range of products here.